We provide leather sofa cleaning services using leather cleansers that are applied to remove the soiling and stains to the highest mark of precision. Your sofa is not only nourished but protected too.
We happily provide our leather sofa cleaning services in all the areas that we provide our carpet cleaning services to. We not only focus on cleaning your leather sofa but also remove all the unpleasant odours. It’s no secret that sofas are not used less than carpets and thus are equally prone to dirt, dust and stains. So, going for leather sofa cleaning is the best option to keep your sofa nourished, clean, healthy and good as new.
The Process That We Use To Remove The Stains, Revitalize Your Sofa And Bring It To Its Original Colour Comprises The Following Steps:
Step 1: We place protection sheets on the carpet or flooring of the place so that it doesn’t get affected during the leather cleaning process.
Step 2: Our professionals apply a leather cleansing solution to your leather sofa.
Step 3: We focus on the leather cleaning especially at the arms and the head rests, where most of the stains are likely to show up after a certain period of usage.
Step 4: In the step 4, we remove the soiling from the leather sofa.
Step 5: The step 5, or the final step is all about applying a nourishing cream. Then, re-sealing of leather is done. We strive to protect leather up to the highest possible mark for no damages.
Published on: June 25, 2022